Water Testing in Buncombe County
Water Testing in Buncombe County NC Homes with well water can be tested through the county Environmental Health Department (828 250 5016). Water tests are
Additional Water Testing
Additional Water Testing – Does the water test cover everything? The full scan water test that we offer tests for a panel of contaminants that
Water test results: When contaminants are absent or present
When contaminants are absent With water filtration in place This is a good result. The buyer should contact the company that installed/maintains the water filtration
What if the electricity or water was turned off during the inspection?
It is the seller’s responsibility to ensure that there is electricity and water service to the house during the inspection(s). We send the seller/seller’s agent
What should we repair right away? How do we prioritize repairs?
What should we repair right away? We realize that there are time and money constraints for most homeowners and that all the defects in the
When should I order water testing?
Homes with Well Water: Full scan water testing is recommended for all homes with well water (if the seller cannot provide a recent water test