Are Oil Tanks included in a Home Inspection Report?
Are Oil Tanks included in a Home Inspection Report? Oil tanks are beyond the scope of a home inspection. If evidence of an oil tank
November 11, 2021
What’s Included In An Inspection?
What is inspected in a Home Inspection? Structural components Exterior Roofing Plumbing Electrical HVAC Interiors Insulation & Ventilation Built-in Appliances Can I view a
November 15, 2021
When should I order a Well Inspection? What is included?
Should I order a well inspection? Well inspections are recommended for all homes with well water (or Springs if there is a pressure system equipment present).
August 18, 2022
What is Included in a Septic Inspection?
The septic inspection is the most challenging and physically demanding of all real estate inspections–it’s no wonder that professionals in our industry joke that it’s
December 13, 2023